Wooohooo, our green card was approved today and USCIS already ordered a card production for both of us.
Last month we had to solve extremely difficult life situation due to an accident in our apartment. Our whole property was destroyed and our health was negatively affected by this accident too (fortunately baby was most fine from us three). We are preparing for a potential lawsuit now. So we just needed to hear something positive. And this green card news is simply amazing!!! We hope this will be a breaking point in our lifes. We didn’t expect approval of I-485 green card application in less than two months.
In the last two months we worked hard on our NIW DIY kit to be ready for release. We changed all the sensitive personal data of all persons but we took very special care to let important and relevant information there (NO delete!). Although names, various document numbers etc. will be fictive they will correspond through all the documents in this National Interest Waiver Do It Yourself package so you will not lose an idea “who says what” or “what number should I put in this form”. Names of institutions will be also fictive but will show importance and kind of business. This was much more work than we expected but it is finished now and ready to go.
As soon as we have green card in our hands we will release our National Interest Waiver DIY kit (we hope this time nothing unpredictable happen). We will announce exact release date, price and special discount offer for first week of sale soon.
We are also preparing more articles now. Next will be the post with all details from our case – credentials, main arguments used to get National Interest Waiver approved and our way through the whole process.
Thanks to all of our readers for their patience when waiting for our NIW DIY kit and we hope we can finally fulfill the promised release. Take care and stay tuned.
I am also trying to get green card and its really hard.
I wish you good luck!